End of a perfect day

End of a perfect day

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy in Hawaii

I've said it for years to Anna and JT...  When I get old (okay, older) and unable to make rational decisions, just drop me off in Kauai along with my uniform and a few pairs of reefs.  Now I'll add a few things to that list.  Don't forget my dogs and my Toyota 4Runner.  I guess I'll need a little money for gas and dog food too.    

I do love Kauai. The pace is slower here, but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I'm on vacation.  My favorite spot on the island is Tunnels Beach on the North Shore.  Tunnels is a favorite spot for the locals to surf and scuba dive and is one of the few places in the Hawaiian islands where one could find a "Hawaiian Sunsrise" seashell and the tiny puka shells.  On my very first visit to Kauai, I remember an older Hawaiian woman sitting on the shore sifting sand through her hands in search for tiny puka shells.  At the time, I wondered how anyone could sit for such a time gathering shells, but over the year, shelling has become one of my favorite "sports" of Kauai.  And someday I will find that perfect little Hawaiian Sunrise.

Today we stopped for lunch at the famous Bubba Burgers.  There are two of these hamburger joints on Kauai and almost every tourist to Kauai visits Bubba's at least once.  To be perfectly honest, the burgers are okay, the service is slow, and the french fries are always cold, yet a vacation on Kauai isn't complete without a visit to Bubba's... where they relish your  buns.

 We've learned the secrets of Hawaiian souvenir shopping.  No, it's not Hilo Hattie, the Store of Hawaii, but Wal-Mart, the store of America.  Jim and I usually make Wal-Mart one of our first stops on the island so we can pick up a fresh bottle of sunscreen, a few postcards, and a handful of gifts that we can lavish on our friends.  What we don't find at Wal-Mart, we're almost sure to find at our second stop... Costco.  

So when I get older... drop me off in Kauai...  but don't forget to give me my Costco card!

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